Project Awakening

Crude Matter

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Crude Matter is a group of exotic materials with unique attributes colloquially referred to as Still-effects. Its by-products are employed in a broad range of applications, from computing to energy generation (see Exotronics, Ergodic Reactor, Symmetry Drive etc.). 

Crude Matter is primarily recovered by Rifting. A rift is a compact region of spacetime with twisted polarization which is  topologically related to a wormhole (see Crude Rifts). 

Raw Crude Matter is generally classified by its age (old to young) and its strength (weak to strong). During refinement, Crude Matter particles are contained in lattice structures to produce stable materials ready for further processing and use. During this process, amalgamation with regular matter produces further advanced composites. 

The origins of Crude Matter are poorly understood. Its properties suggest a direct relationship to Stillness, but no consensus has been reached to date. The long-term effects of Crude Matter extraction are unclear and are often challenged. 

While the economic effects of Crude Matter have contributed to explosive growth in a broad range of sectors, its exploitation has been a source of internal and inter-state conflicts. The public discourse around the hypothetical underpinnings of its downstream technologies has also led to widespread social division (see Panpsychist Extremism).